Friday, December 21, 2007

Rest, relaxation and tummy time

Hi everyone,

I figured we'd start off this post with some "outtakes" from Nik's chistmas card.

I snapped this one riiiiiiiiiiiight after he smiled. Getting the timing of the photo, the smile and him actually looking towards the camera has proved exceedingly difficult.

As you can see here. Quite a Captain Grumpypants, no?

"Santa is coming!!!! Santa is coming!!!"

That brief bout of excitement tuckered the poor guy out. We ended up rescheduling the whole photo shoot.
This is "tummy time". The bane of Nikhil's existence. We're hoping he warms up to it, but at this point if he lasts 30 seconds on his stomach, we're doing cartwheels.

So, after the photo shoots and tummy exercises, Nik demanded a vacation. He and Gil headed up to Sunday River for a few days of much needed rest and relaxation.

Nik spent plenty of time reclining and getting around to some books about his belly button.

When we got home........we had no HEAT! So, we had to bundle the little guy up and send him over to the neighbors while I frantically got the boiler running again. Cold babies are unhappy babies.
Finally, Nik and Cath headed over to the Vernaglia's for a Christmas Book Swap. Pictured here are (L-R) Kristen and Jack, Elena and Sofia, and Cath and Nik.

That's it for now, we'll have some more photos up from Nik's first Christmas next week!

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