Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Big Finish

Hey everybody. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. The Family unit had a nice time at my Mom's place. Nik was very well behaved for the entire meal. By my estimates, that should be the last time that will happen until he's about 40. He's doing really well and starting to demonstrate some new tricks. Like his laser like focus on the mobile above his bed. A fantastic invention, that would be slightly more awesome if it lasted slightly longer than 14 seconds.

I like this one a lot. Really shows you how much his face is filling out and how he's leaving his newborn face behind and on his way to baby stylin'.

This is another favorite. I think he was dreaming about being a mafia don and screaming "Fugeddaboutit".
His neighbor Catherine came by for a visit. I'm not sure what he's reading to her, but she seems pretty engrossed.
Grandma came down from Maine for a visit which allowed us some time to do a bunch of stuff around the house. Despite how Grandma appears to be clutching him, I can assure you she did not stuff him in her luggage before she went home.

Here's the "Big Finish". He just started smiling about a week ago, but it seems to disappear as soon as I get the camera out. This is the best one I got so far, but I can promise there will be more to come!


Anonymous said...

Great smile!

But the grandma picture has to go She isn't as mean as she looks there

Ron said...

Great pictures and update Vake and Cath.