Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rollin' through summer

Catherine and Nik made it to the "Teddy Bears and pajama song night" to hang out in their jammies and listen to kid's songs. I immediately volunteered to take care of Rhys this night and stay home.

Toddler rave

Still partying

Sons of Anarchy

This is Rhys before his haircut...

....which we are affectionately calling "The Moe".


...and not so suave

We made it up to Maine for our vacation. We spent most of the late August heat wave at Taylor Pond.

And Nik learned to tell exaggerated fish tales. Hence my skeptical face in this photo.

One of our last nights at the camp.

I love the "Whatchoo talkin' bout" face by Cole Harris in this photo

Cath and I look great here....but since they're my kids....I can say the boys don't.

Fired up for the first day of pre-school!

Rhys getting in on the hysteria

Chasing bubbles

The boys team up to call Dadi Ma

Meeting the new neighbors

See you next year Summer!