Sunday, January 13, 2008

Back in Business!!

Sorry about the lack of posting. Cath just got back to work and things have been slightly hectic. But, we're got most things under control now, and we're back to the blogosphere with more photos!

Nik's friend Miles came for a visit around the Holidays. His parents Gabe and Charly braved a flight from Seattle to Boston with a 3 month old! He did great on the flight except for the usual comments about the food and the poor movie selection.

Nikhil had his first day in jeans! And as you can see, smiles are abundant these days.

Bath time continues to be a great time to get some photos of him. He gets so calm, it's definitely become a great way to help finish the day.

He's begun to laugh. A lot. Especially when he's getting bounced in the bouncer. Thanks to Elizabeth and Colby for the "freeloader" shirt!

This is what happens when you stop bouncing him in the bouncer.

That's all we got this time! Stay tuned for:

- Photos of him in his new Bumbo (Thanks Auntie Beth!)
- Video of a laughing fit
- Video of him chomping away on his forearm. Apparently it's tastier than the thumb. Who knew?

Go Pats!